Maintain a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan at facilities with oil storage capacity of 1320 gallons or more.
Recent changes to the SPCC rules have allowed facilities with less than 10,000 gallons of on-site storage capacity to “self prepare” a written spill prevention plan.
Storage Tank Inventory
Place an X beside all that apply.
ProductTank Secondary Location
Used OilgallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
Used OilgallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
Used OilgallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
Used OilgallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
Used OilgallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
GasolinegallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
DieselgallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
New OilgallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
SolventgallonsYes or NoInside/Outside________________
TOTAL CAPACITY ____________ gallons List containers 55-gallon and larger only.
Facilities with oil storage capacity of 1320 gallons or more are required to prepare and implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan to ensure that the appropriate measures have been taken to reduce the risk of oil reaching navigable waters in the event of spill.
Title 40, Section 112 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) requires a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan for facilities with total aboveground petroleum product storage (i.e., new oil, used oil and fuel) capacity in excess of 1,320 gallons (container with volume of 55 gallons or more only). SPCC plans are designed to minimize the potential for a petroleum release to occur and mitigate any environmental impacts in the event one does occur.